5 Points: 1. Pattern recognition, 2. Deeper bonds, 3. Small things…

Hi Reader

Happy Valentine’s Day! If you have someone special in your life, I hope you make some time to explain why they are so special to you. If you aren’t currently in a relationship, reach out to a close friend and let them know why they are special to you. Just making time to share appreciation for a loved one boosts the dopamine in your brain and the person you share your gratitude with. It's a win-win for you and them.

1. Habits

Making time to document your patterns is very helpful. It’s the best way to break free so you can choose the next right action. Noah Kagen, CEO of AppSumo, encourages people to go to a coffee shop and ask for a discount. It’s not about whether you get the discount or not. It’s that we believe that we can’t ask. This negative story we tell ourselves holds us back from new opportunities. Try noticing how you are limiting yourself so you are aware of these patterns. This pattern recognition will help you decide how to take the next action for your situation instead of letting your habits decide for you.

2. Leadership

I once had a client tell me, “I hate coaching my employees. It’s always awkward.” Talking about their career and expectations is not always easy, but it’s vital to helping someone do more of the work that energizes them. If the conversations are shallow and there is no depth, you don’t get to know each other. If you don’t form a deeper bond, you won’t help them grow.

3. Inspiration

“You’ve got to think about the big things while you’re doing the small things, so that all the small things go in the right direction.” Alvin Toffler

4. Reflection (Journal prompt)

Do you have a reflection routine? If not, why not?

5. Research

  1. 43 percent of what people do every day is repeated in the same context, usually while they are thinking about something else.

You probably see different friction points in your company. This friction often comes from a lack of planning. I wrote an article that covers the common pain points. You can read it here: 10 Common Issues that Create Productivity Drag in a Company.


P.S. Check out the latest podcast interview: The Relentlessly Helpful Approach: Susan Baier on Success through Generosity. You’ll learn about why emphasizing the importance of understanding audience problems and being relentlessly helpful is so important to success. Susan Baier is a marketing expert who focuses on helping business owners with research. One of my favorite parts of this interview is why it’s so important to be relentlessly helpful.

  1. Wood, W. (2019). Good Habits, Bad Habits: The Science of Making Positive Changes That Stick. New York, NY: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Karl Staib

I help small business owners make better decisions faster by creating durable SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) that help them save time and money.

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