5 Points: 1. Doing hard things, 2. Empowering employees, 3. Great simplifiers…

Hi Reader

There are five points to your North Star. These five areas are vital to better understanding yourself so you can develop better leadership habits and processes for business and life.

1. Habits

Here are the five steps to building a habit of doing things that excite you every single week.

Step 1: I would like you to write down all the potential opportunities you can envision in your career and write yes next to the ones that truly excite you. Step 2: I want you to pick the one that excites you the most. Step 3: Write down why it excites you. This is vital to you taking action. When you understand why it’s important, you are more likely to work toward it. Step 4: Create a 15-minute action item list of 10 tasks that you can do to start your project. Each action item can be completed in about 15 minutes. Step 5: Go and do the first item on the list.

This is how you beat procrastination and build the habit of doing the things that excite you.

2. Leadership

Empowering employees to become more self-sufficient not only boosts their confidence and skills but also enhances the overall productivity and efficiency of a small business.

Want to go a little deeper? 5 Ways to Help Employees Become More Self-Sufficient

3. Inspiration

"Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers who can cut through argument, debate and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand." — Gen. Colin Powell

4. Reflection (Journal prompt)

Who was the best boss (leader) that you’ve ever had in your career? Why were they so good?

5. Research

One study found that while about half of people regularly say thank you to their family members, only about 15% of people regularly say thank you at work. The same study found that 35% of people say that their managers have never thanked them. (1)



P.S. Do you want to improve how you handle your finances? In this interview with Kendra James Anderson, the founder of the Finance Femme, you’ll learn how you can take back control of your finances. You can listen on the website or your favorite podcast player.

  1. Gratitude predicts psychological well-being above the Big Five facets. Alex M. Wood a 1, Stephen Joseph b, John Maltby c. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paid.2008.11.012

Karl Staib

I help small business owners make better decisions faster by creating durable SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) that help them save time and money.

Read more from Karl Staib

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