Hi Reader There are five points to your North Star. These five areas are vital to better understanding yourself so you can develop better leadership habits and processes for business and life. 1. Habits Understanding our beliefs is the best way to improve our careers. For example, to be more engaged in meetings, we must believe we should take notes. If we believe that we need to take notes to be more effective, then we are more likely to actually do it. We don't change because we don't think the pain of keeping notes is worth our energy, so we continue the same habits. It's only when we truly believe that a new habit will pay off for us in the future. This is why reviewing our current processes is so important. We see what is working and what isn't, and we can make small improvements to improve our careers. 2. Leadership You are busy. I know because all leaders are busy. They have their own work. They have to lead others and support them along the way. This isn’t easy. That’s why empathy is an important skill to build. On the surface, it can seem like empathy comes easier to introverts than extroverts, but as I’ve dug deeper, I’ve seen my extroverted clients bring a different kind of empathy. They are more willing to reach out to others and ask those tougher questions. They dig for empathy and find ways to connect. When you can understand other people, it makes it easier to lead them. 3. Inspiration “Time is the scarcest resource, and unless it is managed, nothing else can be managed.” - Peter Drucker 4. Reflection (Journal prompt) If you had a magic wand, what would you eliminate in your career? 5. Research Sleep helps deepen your learning: A study of regional cerebral blood flow found that hippocampal areas that were active during route learning in a virtual environment (a hippocampus-dependent, spatial learning task) were active again during subsequent slow-wave sleep (Peigneux et al. 2004). Moreover, the degree of activation during slow-wave sleep correlated with performance on the task the next day. (1) Do you have friction in your business or on your team? Then, learn how to become friction-free by understanding the common pitfalls and turning them into opportunities. Check out the latest article on the SOPguy website: 7 Process Pitfalls to Avoid: Become Friction-Free In Your Business. Karl P.S. In this interview, Mark shared his methodology of developing self-awareness through questioning to uncover limiting beliefs. He focuses on feeling shifts through future envisioning to program new responses. You can listen to the show on the Dig to Fly website or with your favorite podcast player Spotify or Apple Podcasts.
I help small business owners make better decisions faster by creating durable SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) that help them save time and money.
Hi Reader Happy Valentine’s Day! If you have someone special in your life, I hope you make some time to explain why they are so special to you. If you aren’t currently in a relationship, reach out to a close friend and let them know why they are special to you. Just making time to share appreciation for a loved one boosts the dopamine in your brain and the person you share your gratitude with. It's a win-win for you and them. 1. Habits Making time to document your patterns is very helpful....
Hi Reader There are five points to your North Star. These five areas are vital to better understanding yourself so you can develop better leadership habits and processes for business and life. 1. Habits I’m often caught in my habitual patterns of thinking, which hold me back from seeing new opportunities. A few years ago, I decided to focus my thoughts on being more grateful. When I dug into gratitude, I became more joyful. When I dug into love, I became more loving. Where your thoughts go,...
Hi Reader There are five points to your North Star. These five areas are vital to better understanding yourself so you can develop better leadership habits and processes for business and life. 1. Habits Here are the five steps to building a habit of doing things that excite you every single week. Step 1: I would like you to write down all the potential opportunities you can envision in your career and write yes next to the ones that truly excite you. Step 2: I want you to pick the one that...